Headline | Source | URL | Reach | Keywords | State | City | Date |
How to Be Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Israeli and Pro-Iranian | The New York Times | https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/16/opinion/israel-iran-gaza.html | 146.090.372 | Israel,Biden,pro-Palestinian,Pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 09:43 PM |
USC Cancels Valedictorian’s Speech After Claims of Antisemitism | The New York Times | https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/16/us/usc-valedictorian-speech-gaza-war.html | 146.090.372 | pro-Palestinian,antisemitism,antisemitic,anti-Zionist,Antisemitism | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 06:34 PM |
Israel Weighs Response to Iran Attack, With Each Choice a Risk | The New York Times | https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/16/world/middleeast/israel-iran-response-options.html | 146.090.372 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 06:18 PM |
Bakersfield vice mayor reacts to activist’s threats: Shocking, chilling, horrifying | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/us/video/bakersfield-vice-mayor-reacts-activist-riddhi-patel-threats-felony-counts-lead-digvid | 123.909.007 | Pro-Palestinian | Georgia | Atlanta | 16/04/2024 07:20 PM |
Netanyahu is betting Israeli blood on Iran’s read of his rift with America | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/middleeast/analysis-israel-options-for-iran-attack-intl-latam | 123.909.007 | Israel,Biden | Georgia | Atlanta | 16/04/2024 07:02 PM |
Deepening US divide over Israel tests the limits of free speech | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/politics/us-israel-free-speech-what-matters/index.html | 123.909.007 | pro-Palestinian,antisemitic,antisemitism,Pro-Palestinian | Georgia | Atlanta | 16/04/2024 06:03 PM |
Iraqi PM: ‘The region cannot stand tension’ between Iran and Israel | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2024/04/16/amanpour-mohammed-shia-al-sudani-iraq.cnn | 123.909.007 | Biden,Israel | Georgia | Atlanta | 16/04/2024 02:39 PM |
Cotton calls on those stuck behind Gaza protesters to 'take matters' into their own hands | USA Today | https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/16/tom-cotton-gaza-israel-protesters/73342700007/ | 76.140.145 | Biden,Israel,pro-Palestinian | North Carolina | Charlotte | 16/04/2024 04:08 PM |
Hit the mullahs and hit’em hard, Israel — and 5 key takeaways from Iran’s failed attack | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/04/16/opinion/hit-the-mullahs-and-hitem-hard-israel-and-5-key-takeaways-from-irans-failed-attack/ | 58.416.907 | Israel,Biden,antisemitic | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 10:50 PM |
Anti-Israel protesters are disrupting our way of life and have to stop causing chaos | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/04/16/opinion/anti-israel-protesters-are-disrupting-our-way-of-life-and-have-to-stop-causing-chaos/ | 58.416.907 | Anti-Israel | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 10:21 PM |
Iran’s foreign minister to have movements restricted during NYC trip days after Israel attack: report | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/04/16/world-news/irans-foreign-minster-to-have-movements-restricted-during-nyc-trip-report/ | 58.416.907 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 06:04 PM |
Controversial CUNY Law grad now at helm of radical group gets cuffed at NYC anti-Israel protest — and defiantly grins when freed | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/04/16/us-news/nerdeen-kiswawni-gets-cuffed-at-nyc-anti-israel-protest-and-defiantly-grins-when-freed/ | 58.416.907 | anti-Israel,antisemitic,anti-Zionist | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 05:49 PM |
Why do critics hold Israel to a higher standard — and ignore these other conflicts | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/04/16/opinion/critics-hold-israel-to-higher-standard-ignore-other-conflicts/ | 58.416.907 | antisemitism | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 04:09 PM |
UPenn alumni demand eight professors be punished for antisemitic ‘hate speech’ | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/04/16/us-news/upenn-alumni-demand-eight-profs-be-punished-for-antisemitism/ | 58.416.907 | antisemitic,anti-Israel | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 04:07 PM |
Pro-Palestinian protests could foreshadow a summer of upheaval | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/04/16/pro-palestinian-protests-us-biden/ | 52.147.937 | pro-Palestinian,Israel,Biden,Congress,Pro-Palestinian | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 07:11 PM |
Homes burned, animals killed: Palestinians describe Israeli settler rampage | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/16/israel-settlers-attack-violence-palestinians/ | 52.147.937 | Biden,Israel | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 05:33 PM |
Arrest, Prosecute, and (As Appropriate) Deport Every Single Pro-Hamas Anarchist | Newsweek | https://www.newsweek.com/arrest-prosecute-appropriate-deport-every-single-pro-hamas-anarchist-1890975 | 49.462.544 | pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 02:23 PM |
Columbia University president to testify before lawmakers on antisemitism | NBC News | https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/columbia-university-president-to-testify-before-lawmakers-on-antisemitism-209115205600 | 47.028.753 | antisemitism | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 07:59 PM |
Columbia student suspended after alleged 'fart spray' attack during pro-Palestinian rally sues school | Fox News Channel | https://www.foxnews.com/us/columbia-student-suspended-alleged-fart-spray-attack-during-pro-palestinian-rally-sues-school | 46.810.789 | pro-Palestinian,antisemitic,Pro-Palestinian,anti-Israel | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 09:58 PM |
Pentagon spox on whether US will help Israeli attack on Iran: 'That’s a question for Israel' | Fox News Channel | https://www.foxnews.com/media/pentagon-spox-whether-us-will-help-israeli-attack-iran-question-israel | 46.810.789 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 03:30 PM |
Statement of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA (JWV) Attack by Iran on Israel | Associated Press | https://apnews.com/press-release/ein-presswire-newsmatics/veterans-israel-e3a90c7564ac23944aab48ee444fe088 | 46.311.560 | antisemitism | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 01:57 PM |
Pro-Palestinian organization worries new Chicago police policy could hinder right to protest at DNC | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/pro-palestinian-organization-worries-new-chicago-police-policy-could-hinder-right-to-protest-at-dnc/ | 46.294.728 | Pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 07:10 PM |
Oil prices dip as demand concerns outweigh Middle East supply fears | CNBC | https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/17/oil-prices-dip-as-demand-concerns-outweigh-middle-east-supply-fears.html | 43.585.231 | Israel,Biden | New Jersey | Englewood Cliffs | 16/04/2024 10:54 PM |
Full UN membership won't help Palestinians on statehood: US envoy | Reuters | https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-envoy-says-full-un-membership-wont-help-palestinians-with-statehood-2024-04-17/ | 42.147.571 | Biden,Israel | Maryland | Rockville | 16/04/2024 11:24 PM |
UN says it still faces obstacles in bid to fend off famine in Gaza | Reuters | https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-says-it-still-faces-obstacles-bid-fend-off-famine-gaza-2024-04-16/ | 42.147.571 | Israel,Biden | Maryland | Rockville | 16/04/2024 05:51 PM |
Explainer: What are US sanctions on Iran? How can Washington impose more? | Reuters | https://www.reuters.com/world/what-are-us-sanctions-iran-how-can-washington-impose-more-2024-04-16/ | 42.147.571 | Biden,Israel,CONGRESS | Maryland | Rockville | 16/04/2024 04:31 PM |
Hamas Rejects Biden’s Hostage Deal—Again | The Wall Street Journal | https://www.wsj.com/articles/hamas-rejects-bidens-hostage-dealagain-623b3ee9 | 31.757.044 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 05:32 PM |
Antisemitism in Dearborn, Past and Present | The Wall Street Journal | https://www.wsj.com/articles/dearborn-returns-to-its-antisemitic-roots-henry-ford-protests-israel-gaza-8a3fed72 | 31.757.044 | Israel,Biden,Antisemitism | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 05:30 PM |
USC cancels valedictorian's speech amid Palestinian support, student says school 'caving to fear and rewarding hatred' | ABC News | https://abcnews.go.com/US/usc-cancels-valedictorians-speech-amid-palestinian-support-student/story?id=109305523 | 29.695.200 | pro-Palestinian,anti-Israel | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 04:01 PM |
Research shows antisemitic incidents surged in 2023 | ABC News | https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/research-shows-antisemitic-incidents-surged-2023-109319304 | 29.695.200 | antisemitic | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 03:59 PM |
IDF's conduct, ethics under scrutiny following soldiers' social media posts | ABC News | https://abcnews.go.com/International/idfs-conduct-ethics-scrutiny-soldiers-social-media-posts/story?id=109035616 | 29.695.200 | pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 01:57 PM |
House resolution condemning 'From the River to the Sea' chant as antisemitic passes with 44 opposed | Yahoo! News | https://www.yahoo.com/news/house-resolution-condemning-river-sea-212353192.html | 23.679.207 | pro-Palestinian,antisemitic,Israel,ANTI-ISRAEL,anti-Israel,BIDEN,ISRAEL,Congress | California | Sunnyvale | 16/04/2024 06:23 PM |
Antisemitism & Islamophobia amid Mideast war | CNN International | https://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2024/04/17/exp-tsr-todd-campus-tensions-antisemitism-islamophobia.cnn | 22.076.280 | antisemitic,Antisemitism | Georgia | Atlanta | 16/04/2024 10:16 PM |
White House to announce new sanctions on Iran following Israel airstrike | The Hill | https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4598643-white-house-to-announce-new-sanctions-on-iran-following-israel-airstrike/ | 19.834.502 | Biden,Congress,Israel | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 09:19 PM |
House approves resolution condemning Palestinian rallying cry as antisemitic | The Hill | https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4598347-house-approves-resolution-condemning-palestinian-rallying-cry-as-antisemitic/ | 19.834.502 | Israel,antisemitic,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 06:19 PM |
House passes host of bills targeting Iran after attack on Israel | POLITICO | https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/04/16/congress/house-iran-pushback-bills-israel-attack-00152601 | 16.608.835 | Israel,Congress,Biden | California | California City | 16/04/2024 05:07 PM |
Lawmakers still conflicted about giving Israel weapons | POLITICO | https://www.politico.com/newsletters/national-security-daily/2024/04/16/lawmakers-still-conflicted-about-giving-israel-weapons-00152610 | 16.608.835 | Congress,Israel,pro-Palestinian,Biden,BIDEN | California | California City | 16/04/2024 04:16 PM |
U.N. Demands Israeli Forces Stop Enabling Settler Attacks In West Bank | HuffPost | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/un-israel-forces-stop-settler-attacks-west-bank-gaza_n_661eeca7e4b015646f798da8 | 16.205.951 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 07:17 PM |
They criticized Israel. This Twitter account upended their lives. | SFGate | https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/they-criticized-israel-this-twitter-account-19406317.php | 15.753.282 | antisemitic,anti-Zionism,antisemitism | California | San Francisco | 16/04/2024 05:56 PM |
Antisemitism has no place on college campuses but debate does, Columbia president says | Axios | https://www.axios.com/2024/04/16/columbia-president-universities-free-speech-congress-minouche-shafik | 15.092.296 | Israel,pro-Palestinian,antisemitic,antisemitism,Biden,Antisemitism | Virginia | Arlington | 16/04/2024 04:51 PM |
How Israel's high tech defenses beat back Iran's drone and missile barrage | Axios | https://www.axios.com/2024/04/16/iran-israel-attack-how-missiles-drones | 15.092.296 | Israel,Biden | Virginia | Arlington | 16/04/2024 03:42 PM |
ADL says antisemitic incidents in U.S. surged 140% in 2023 | Axios | https://www.axios.com/2024/04/16/antisemitism-islamophobia-incidents-adl-cair | 15.092.296 | Antisemitic,Israel,antisemitic,antisemitism,anti-Zionism,Antisemitism,Biden | Virginia | Arlington | 16/04/2024 01:31 PM |
Antisemitic, Racist Graffiti At Middle School Playground Probed | Patch.com | https://patch.com/new-york/newrochelle/antisemitic-racist-graffiti-middle-school-playground-probed | 11.815.627 | Antisemitic,antisemitic | 16/04/2024 06:53 PM | ||
Statement by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Holding Iran Accountable for Unprecedented Attack on Israel | The White House | https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/16/statement-by-national-security-advisor-jake-sullivan-on-holding-iran-accountable-for-unprecedented-attack-on-israel/ | 7.266.955 | Israel,Biden,Congress | 16/04/2024 06:32 PM | ||
Google workers stage sit-ins to protest company’s work with Israel | The Seattle Times | https://www.seattletimes.com/business/google-workers-stage-sit-ins-to-protest-companys-work-with-israel/ | 6.165.873 | pro-Palestinian | Washington | Seattle | 16/04/2024 07:27 PM |
Fetterman says U.S. should back Israel counterattack; derides pro-Gaza protesters | PennLive.com | https://www.pennlive.com/news/2024/04/fetterman-says-us-should-back-israel-counterattack-derides-pro-gaza-protesters.html | 5.987.923 | Israel,Biden | Pennsylvania | Mechanicsburg | 16/04/2024 07:51 PM |
Who was behind the wave of pro-Palestinian protests across the US? | NewsNation | https://www.newsnationnow.com/world/war-in-israel/us-ceasefire-protests-gaza-a15/ | 5.547.147 | Pro-Palestinian,pro-Palestinian | Illinois | Chicago | 16/04/2024 03:38 PM |
Pro-Palestinian valedictorian speaks out after USC cancels commencement speech | KABC-TV | https://abc7.com/usc-valedictorian-asna-tabassum-responds-cancellation-commencement-speech/14678439/ | 5.282.128 | pro-Palestinian,Pro-Palestinian | California | Glendale | 16/04/2024 10:16 PM |
Franklin Graham to Newsmax: Hate From Auschwitz Still Permeates Today | Newsmax | https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/franklin-graham-auschwitz-antisemitism/2024/04/16/id/1161284/ | 4.673.029 | antisemitism | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 09:37 PM |
Resolution Condemning Antisemitic Phrase Passes Congress | Newsmax | https://www.newsmax.com/politics/israel-rashida-tlaib-antisemitic/2024/04/16/id/1161273/ | 4.673.029 | Congress,Israel,antisemitic,Antisemitic | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 08:16 PM |
Antisemitic graffiti found on Lakeview school investigated as hate crime; 1 in custody, CPD says | WLS-TV - ABC 7 Chicago | https://abc7chicago.com/antisemitic-graffiti-found-on-nettelhorst-school-in-lakeview-investigated-as-hate-crime-person-custody-cpd-says/14678432/ | 4.131.164 | antisemitic,Antisemitic | Illinois | Chicago | 16/04/2024 09:49 PM |
Lincoln Park alderman to introduce ordinance that could impose fines for antisemitic flyering | WLS-TV - ABC 7 Chicago | https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-city-council-lincoln-park-antisemitism-timmy-knudsen/14676986/ | 4.131.164 | Antisemitic,antisemitic | Illinois | Chicago | 16/04/2024 06:08 PM |
Yellen says Iran's actions could cause global economic spillovers as White House vows new sanctions | WMAQ-TV - NBC 5 Chicago | https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/politics/yellen-says-irans-actions-could-cause-global-economic-spillovers-as-white-house-vows-new-sanctions/3412884/ | 3.928.501 | Israel,Biden | Illinois | Chicago | 16/04/2024 10:20 PM |
Benjamin Netanyahu is Pushing for War with Iran | The National Interest | https://nationalinterest.org/feature/benjamin-netanyahu-pushing-war-iran-210604 | 3.739.293 | Congress,Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 05:40 PM |
Amid war in Gaza, ‘sisters’ bridge Jewish, Muslim divide in US | MassLive.com | https://www.masslive.com/westernmass/2024/04/amid-war-in-gaza-sisters-bridge-jewish-muslim-divide-in-us.html | 3.654.590 | antisemitism | Massachusetts | Springfield | 16/04/2024 05:30 PM |
Casey, Scott Introduce Bill to Take On Antisemitism on College Campuses | United States Senate | https://www.casey.senate.gov/news/releases/casey-scott-introduce-bill-to-take-on-antisemitism-on-college-campuses | 3.509.758 | Biden,Antisemitism,antisemitism,antisemitic,Israel | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 03:08 PM |
The House Republican going after universities on antisemitism | The Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/04/16/nation/house-republican-going-after-universities-antisemitism/ | 3.457.692 | antisemitism,Congress,Israel | Massachusetts | Boston | 16/04/2024 05:14 PM |
ADL asks Georgia for security… | WSB-TV | https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/adl-asks-georgia-security-grants-following-record-number-antisemitic-incidents/I74KI3K4PJH75IIJI72BE2HACA/ | 3.239.424 | antisemitism,antisemitic | Georgia | Atlanta | 16/04/2024 07:27 PM |
Report shows antisemitic incidents in US hit all-time high; Pa. seeing four times as many cases | 6ABC WPVI-TV - Action News | https://6abc.com/adl-report-shows-antisemitic-incidents-in-us-hit-all-time-high-cases-nearly-doubled-new-jersey/14677059/ | 3.191.505 | antisemitism,antisemitic,Israel,anti-Israel,Congress | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | 16/04/2024 06:17 PM |
CAIR Calls Iran Missile Barrage on Israel ‘Self-Defense’ | Breitbart News Network | https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2024/04/16/cair-calls-iran-missile-barrage-israel-self-defense/ | 3.167.931 | Biden,Israel,anti-Israel,pro-Palestinian | California | Los Angeles | 16/04/2024 03:36 PM |
Antisemitic incidents more than doubled in NJ last year, with Bergen County a hotbed | NorthJersey.com | https://eu.northjersey.com/story/news/2024/04/16/adl-antisemitism-report-shows-incidents-soaring-in-nj-bergen-county/73335695007/ | 2.810.605 | antisemitic,antisemitism,Israel,Biden,Antisemitic | New Jersey | Woodland Park | 16/04/2024 02:54 PM |
Seattle teacher under fire for Hamas comments on paid administrative leave, father says | WKRC-TV -Local 12 | https://local12.com/news/nation-world/seattle-teacher-under-fire-for-hamas-comments-on-paid-administrative-leave-father-says-seattle-public-schools-ian-golash-accuracy-in-media-adam-guillette-israel-palestine-middle-east-conflict-crisis-in-the-classroom | 2.768.200 | antisemitism | Ohio | Cincinnati | 16/04/2024 03:47 PM |
Lawmakers seek to strengthen fight against antisemitism in US | Las Vegas Review-Journal | https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/lawmakers-seek-to-strengthen-fight-against-antisemitism-in-us-3035092/ | 2.138.976 | Israel,antisemitism,antisemitic,Biden,Antisemitism | Nevada | Las Vegas | 16/04/2024 04:38 PM |
Victims speak out after Davis police call vandalisms of Israeli flag a hate crime | KCRA-TV | https://www.kcra.com/article/davis-vandalisms-israeli-flag-hate-crime/60516753 | 1.794.569 | antisemitism,Antisemitism | California | Sacramento | 16/04/2024 09:31 PM |
WATCH: Meet the true victims of Hamas terror — and it ain’t Palestinians | The Washington Times | https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/apr/16/watch-meet-true-victims-of-hamas-terror-and-it-ain/ | 1.778.024 | antisemitic | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 02:22 PM |
Video shows woman knocking down menorah in front of Sunny Isles Beach Chabad | WTVJ-TV - NBC News Miami | https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/video-woman-knocking-down-menorah-sunny-isles-beach-chabad/3287207/ | 1.472.622 | antisemitic,antisemitism | Florida | Miramar | 16/04/2024 04:10 PM |
'You don't have to be Jewish to be shocked': National, local anti-semitic incidents break records in 2023 | WCPO-TV | https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/you-dont-have-to-be-jewish-to-be-shocked-national-local-anti-semitic-incidents-break-records-in-2023 | 1.452.356 | antisemitism,Antisemitic,antisemitic | Ohio | Cincinnati | 16/04/2024 09:30 PM |
Columbia University president to testify in Congress on college conflicts over Israel-Hamas war | KFOR-TV | https://kfor.com/news/national/ap-us-news/ap-columbia-university-president-to-testify-in-congress-on-college-conflicts-over-israel-hamas-war/ | 1.135.960 | antisemitism,Israel,pro-Palestinian,Congress | Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | 16/04/2024 11:25 PM |
What Iran’s attack on Israel means for global energy | Atlantic Council | https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/energysource/what-irans-attack-on-israel-means-for-global-energy/ | 1.112.511 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 03:34 PM |
46 protesters charged for shutting down road to Sea-Tac airport | KATU-TV | https://katu.com/news/local/sea-airport-protest-charged-access-road-palestine-israel-hamas-gaza-war-middle-east-protesters-arrested-seattle-tacoma-international-northwest-community-bail-fund | 1.080.969 | pro-Palestinian | Oregon | Portland | 16/04/2024 09:54 PM |
Anti-Semitic Incidents on College Campuses Surged 320 Percent Last Year, ADL Finds | The Washington Free Beacon | https://freebeacon.com/campus/anti-semitic-incidents-on-college-campuses-surged-320-percent-last-year-adl-finds/ | 896.064 | antisemitism,Antisemitism,anti-Israel,anti-Zionist,Antisemitic | Virginia | Arlington | 16/04/2024 05:30 PM |
‘His last name was Bernstein’: Exchange over yarmulke brings antisemitism into focus in murder trial | The Forward | https://forward.com/news/603508/blaze-bernstein-trial-samuel-woodward-hate-crime/ | 892.323 | antisemitism,antisemitic | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 09:46 PM |
In private meeting with Jewish leaders, Blinken addresses US rifts with Israel | The Forward | https://forward.com/fast-forward/603442/blinken-jewish-leaders-israel-iran/ | 892.323 | Biden,Israel,antisemitism | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 06:31 PM |
The head of the largest Christian Zionist organization is no friend to Israel — he wants an apocalypse there | The Forward | https://forward.com/opinion/603310/john-hagee-christian-zionist-iran-israel/ | 892.323 | Israel,Biden,antisemitic | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 04:46 PM |
Israel’s representative at Venice Biennale shuts down art exhibit, demanding ceasefire and hostage deal | The Forward | https://forward.com/fast-forward/603346/israels-representative-at-venice-biennale-shuts-down-art-exhibit-demanding-ceasefire-and-hostage-deal/ | 892.323 | pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 04:05 PM |
Antisemitic graffiti found near Bangor synagogue as similar acts increase across the country | WCSH-TV | https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/community/antisemitic-graffiti-found-near-bangor-synagogue-maine-israel-hamas-war/97-f845f876-236a-4990-a75f-dce969f34ca3 | 827.928 | antisemitic,antisemitism,Antisemitic | Maine | Portland | 16/04/2024 03:04 PM |
Anti-Israel campus 'deplatforming' incidents spike as universities invoke 'safety' to censor | Just the News | https://justthenews.com/accountability/cancel-culture/anti-israel-campus-deplatforming-incidents-spike-universities-invoke | 801.289 | anti-Israel,antisemitism,antisemitic,Anti-Israel | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 11:00 PM |
'Driving out Darkness in the Heartland' brings experts, KC community together to discuss antisemitism | KSHB-TV | https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/driving-out-darkness-in-the-heartland-brings-experts-kc-community-together-to-discuss-antisemitism | 739.132 | Antisemitism,antisemitism | Missouri | Kansas City | 16/04/2024 07:40 PM |
Israel’s retaliation dilemma: Listen to its instincts, or its allies? | The Christian Science Monitor | https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2024/0416/israel-iran-missile-retaliation-deterrence | 614.908 | Israel,Biden | Massachusetts | Boston | 16/04/2024 06:09 PM |
She managed a university Holocaust center. Now she says incivility on Israel drove her to a Catholic school. | JTA News | https://www.jta.org/2024/04/16/united-states/she-managed-a-university-holocaust-center-now-she-says-incivility-on-israel-drove-her-to-a-catholic-school | 543.787 | pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 02:51 PM |
Antisemitism & War: Stories of How the Jews Fought Back | Patheos - Peculiar People | https://www.patheos.com/blogs/womantowoman/2024/04/antisemitism-war-stories-of-how-the-jews-fought-back/ | 444.146 | antisemitism,Antisemitism,antisemitic | Colorado | Englewood | 16/04/2024 05:18 PM |
Israel Says It Will Retaliate Against Iran. These Are The Risks That Could Pose To Israel | The Associated Press | https://hosted.ap.org/article/d9145465e2e2d54d3c975e51af95275b/israel-says-it-will-retaliate-against-iran-these-are-risks | 46.311.560 | Israel,Biden,pro-Palestinian | New York | 16/04/2024 05:41 PM | |
In Kansas City, second gentleman Doug Emhoff calls US support of Israel’s security ‘ironclad’ | The Janesville Gazette - GazetteXtra | https://www.gazettextra.com/news/nation_world/in-kansas-city-second-gentleman-doug-emhoff-calls-us-support-of-israel-s-security-ironclad/article_b1f8c6a6-8bc9-5d2f-ac2c-5f92d869b981.html | 292.926 | antisemitism | Wisconsin | Janesville | 16/04/2024 07:35 PM |
Why Antisemites Are So Miserable | Jewish Journal | https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/opinion/370448/why-antisemites-are-so-miserable/ | 234.346 | anti-Israel,antisemitism | California | Los Angeles | 16/04/2024 07:46 PM |
Forty-four House members vote against resolution declaring ‘river to the sea’ slogan antisemitic | Jewish Insider | https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/forty-four-house-members-vote-against-resolution-declaring-river-to-the-sea-slogan-antisemitic/ | 212.816 | Israel,antisemitic,anti-Israel,antisemitism,Congress | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 08:40 PM |
New Faculty Campaign Aims to Show Solidarity With Jewish Students | The Algemeiner Journal | https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/04/16/new-faculty-campaign-aims-show-solidarity-jewish-students/ | 180.941 | antisemitic,antisemitism,Congress,Israel,anti-Zionist,Anti-Israel,Antisemitism | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 06:03 PM |
What We Can Learn From Iran’s Attack on Israel | Foundation for Defense of Democracies | https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/04/16/what-we-can-learn-from-irans-attack-on-israel/ | 157.604 | Israel,Biden | 16/04/2024 04:35 PM | ||
Complaint filed against UNC urges investigation into discrimination of Palestinian students | The Daily Tar Heel | https://www.dailytarheel.com/article/2024/04/university-sjp-title-vi-complaint | 120.142 | pro-Palestinian | North Carolina | Chapel Hill | 16/04/2024 03:54 PM |
House passes a dozen pro-Israel, anti-Iran bills days after missile attack | Cleveland Jewish News | https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jns/house-passes-a-dozen-pro-israel-anti-iran-bills-days-after-missile-attack/article_5d43fdbd-fddd-5663-8015-3c7856d6e51a.html | 112.910 | antisemitic | Ohio | Beachwood | 16/04/2024 06:33 PM |
Chicago mayor’s Jew-hatred meeting a ‘hollow offer’ to ‘save face,’ says only Jewish city council member | Cleveland Jewish News | https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jns/chicago-mayor-s-jew-hatred-meeting-a-hollow-offer-to-save-face-says-only-jewish/article_95f2842b-60da-5c63-a3e0-329dde998d8d.html | 112.910 | antisemitism,anti-Israel | Ohio | Beachwood | 16/04/2024 05:24 PM |
City Commission meeting interrupted by racist, antisemitic hate speech | Lawrence Journal-World | https://www2.ljworld.com/news/2024/apr/16/city-commission-meeting-interrupted-by-racist-antisemitic-hate-speech/ | 107.421 | antisemitic | Kansas | Lawrence | 16/04/2024 07:55 PM |
On the ‘un-Jews’ of Columbia | Columbia Daily Spectator | https://www.columbiaspectator.com/opinion/2024/04/16/on-the-un-jews-of-columbia/ | 89.068 | anti-Zionist,antisemitic,antisemitism,pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 10:05 PM |
On Israel, Biden Could Learn From Reagan | RealClearPolicy | https://www.realclearpolicy.com/articles/2024/04/17/on_israel_biden_could_learn_from_reagan_1025567.html | 63.642 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 16/04/2024 09:32 PM |
‘My southern Jewish … way of saying bless their hearts,’ says state rep who buys trees in Israel for trolls | St. Louis Jewish Light | https://stljewishlight.org/news/antisemitism/my-southern-jewish-way-of-saying-bless-their-hearts-says-state-rep-who-buys-trees-in-israel-for-trolls/ | 56.682 | Israel,anti-Israel,antisemitic,Congress,antisemitism | Missouri | St. Louis | 16/04/2024 09:00 PM |
What Can We Do to Help Israel? | The Jewish Voice | https://thejewishvoice.com/2024/04/what-can-we-do-to-help-israel/ | 23.408 | antisemitism,antisemitic | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 11:59 PM |
California School System Sued Over Falsified History About Israel-Hamas War | The Jewish Voice | https://thejewishvoice.com/2024/04/california-school-system-sued-over-falsified-history-about-israel-hamas-war/ | 23.408 | antisemitic,antisemitism | New York | New York City | 16/04/2024 02:24 PM |
TRAC Incident Report: Pro-Palestinian Protestors Disrupt Traffic in U.S. Cities in Solidarity with Gaza, United States - 15 April 2024 | Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium | https://trackingterrorism.org/chatter/pro-palestinian-anarchists-disrupt-traffic-in-u-s-cities-amid-gaza/ | 21.169 | Pro-Palestinian | 16/04/2024 02:58 PM | ||
A Passover message from the FBI | Jewish News | https://www.jewishaz.com/community/a-passover-message-from-the-fbi/article_03868ec0-fc2b-11ee-80ab-af259ee9da25.html | 15.715 | antisemitism | Arizona | Scottsdale | 16/04/2024 03:56 PM |
Tell Governor Polis to Fight Antisemitism | Boulder Jewish News | https://boulderjewishnews.org/2024/tell-governor-polis-to-fight-antisemitism/ | 7.369 | antisemitism,antisemitic,Antisemitism | Colorado | Boulder | 16/04/2024 10:10 PM |
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