Headline | Source | URL | Reach | Keywords | State | City | Date |
Latin American leaders make solidarity visit to Israel | JewishFlorida.News | https://jewishflorida.news/latin-american-leaders-make-solidarity-visit-to-israel/ | 0 | anti-Israel,antisemitic,antisemitism,Antisemitism | Florida | 17/03/2024 11:46 PM | |
Biden and Irish Leader Use St. Patrick’s Day Visit to Address Gaza | The New York Times | https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/17/us/politics/biden-ireland-palestinians-gaza.html | 136.659.739 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 11:42 PM |
Civil rights activists afraid Fort Collins City Council is trying to silence them with updated rules | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/civil-rights-activists-afraid-fort-collins-city-council-silence-updated-rules/ | 44.417.564 | anti-Zionist,Anti-Zionist,anti-Zionism,antisemitic | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 11:14 PM |
Rochester Solidarity with Palestine continues to educate community amongst calls for ceasefire | KAAL-TV | https://www.kaaltv.com/news/rochester-solidarity-with-palestine-continues-to-educate-community-amongst-calls-for-ceasefire/ | 210.744 | anti-Zionism | Minnesota | Rochester | 17/03/2024 10:41 PM |
‘Just evil’: Investigation underway after hundreds of Israeli hostage posters vandalized in Newton | WFXT-TV | https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/just-evil-investigation-underway-after-hundreds-israeli-hostage-posters-vandalized-newton/TIRBZKFN35FWJB2M2X6CVFGTNI/ | 1.464.444 | antisemitic | Massachusetts | Dedham | 17/03/2024 10:22 PM |
Op-Ed – Schumer and Blinken: Both Dangerous to Israel | The Jewish Voice | https://thejewishvoice.com/2024/03/op-ed-schumer-and-blinken-both-dangerous-to-israel/ | 21.581 | Israel,anti-Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 10:19 PM |
By Undermining Israel’s War Against Murderers and Rapists, Chuck Schumer is Making American Jews Unsafe | Jewish Journal | https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/columnist/editors-note/369342/by-undermining-israels-war-against-murderers-and-rapists-chuck-schumer-is-making-american-jews-unsafe/ | 172.133 | antisemitism | California | Los Angeles | 17/03/2024 10:16 PM |
Biden backs Schumer after senator calls for new elections in Israel | Spectrum News | https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/buffalo/ap-top-news/2024/03/15/biden-backs-schumer-after-senator-calls-for-new-elections-in-israel | 1.407.058 | Israel,Biden | New York | 17/03/2024 10:16 PM | |
Israel’s Strategic Game of Survival | The Jewish Press | https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/israels-strategic-game-of-survival/2024/03/18/ | 144.568 | Israel,Biden,antisemitism | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 10:14 PM |
The Latest | Israeli military raids Gaza’s main hospital, claiming Hamas is using it as a base | KFOR-TV | https://kfor.com/news/international/ap-the-latest-israeli-military-raids-gazas-main-hospital-claiming-hamas-is-using-it-as-a-base/ | 1.323.499 | Israel,Biden,israel,ISRAEL | Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | 17/03/2024 10:10 PM |
UW-Milwaukee Golda Meir Library damaged; vandalized with graffiti | WITI-TV | https://www.fox6now.com/news/uw-milwaukee-golda-meir-library-damaged-vandalized-graffiti | 1.288.604 | Israel,Biden | Wisconsin | Brown Deer | 17/03/2024 09:35 PM |
Palestinians 'Need The Bombs To Stop,' Irish PM Says At White House | Barron's | https://www.barrons.com/news/palestinians-need-the-bombs-to-stop-irish-pm-says-at-white-house-533de1ca | 5.493.190 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 09:14 PM |
Maryland politicos weigh in on Israeli-Hamas war | The Baltimore Banner | https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/politics-power/national-politics/politicians-commentary-israel-hamas-war-AKQPJIK7UVC3PLE4XOQ5TWHMDU/ | 1.104.466 | Congress,Biden,Israel | Maryland | Baltimore | 17/03/2024 08:03 PM |
Allegations UNRWA collaborated with Hamas are ‘flat-out lies’: Van Hollen | The Hill | https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4538265-allegations-unrwa-collaborated-with-hamas-are-flat-out-lies-van-hollen/ | 18.383.829 | Israel,Congress,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 17/03/2024 07:49 PM |
U. Pennsylvania anti-Israel activists demand to be allowed to protest as they wish | The College Fix | https://www.thecollegefix.com/u-pennsylvania-anti-israel-activists-demand-to-be-allowed-to-protest-as-they-wish/ | 158.125 | pro-Palestinian,anti-Israel | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 17/03/2024 07:17 PM |
Schumer’s Shame: His ‘Rabbi’ is an Anti-Israel Activist Who Protested War on Hamas | The Jewish Press | https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/columns/daniel-greenfield/schumers-shame-his-rabbis-an-anti-israel-activist-who-protested-war-on-hamas/2024/03/17/ | 144.568 | anti-Israel,Israel,Biden,BDS,Anti-Israel | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 06:30 PM |
Jewish students in NYC area urged not to apply to Cornell University after antisemitic incidents: ‘Not a safe place’ | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/03/17/us-news/jewish-students-in-nyc-area-urged-not-to-apply-to-cornell-university-after-antisemitic-incidents-not-a-safe-place/ | 53.498.432 | antisemitism,Antisemitism,antisemitic,Jew hatred,anti-Israel | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 06:24 PM |
Democrat Strategist James Carville: If Democrats Lose In November It’s Israel’s Fault | The Daily Wire | https://www.dailywire.com/news/democrat-strategist-james-carville-if-democrats-lose-in-november-its-israels-fault | 3.587.987 | Israel,Biden | California | Los Angeles | 17/03/2024 05:39 PM |
Letter | Panetta’s support for Israel has not wavered | Santa Cruz Sentinel | https://www.santacruzsentinel.com/2024/03/17/letter-panettas-support-for-israel-has-not-wavered/ | 478.964 | Congress,Israel | California | Scotts Valley | 17/03/2024 05:06 PM |
UW-Milwaukee's Golda Meir Library vandalized with pro-Palestine graffiti, window smashed | WISN-TV | https://www.wisn.com/article/uw-milwaukees-golda-meir-library-vandalized-with-pro-palestine-graffiti-window-smashed/60223169 | 1.059.772 | antisemitism | Wisconsin | Milwaukee | 17/03/2024 04:30 PM |
Not in Our Name CUNY demands that Hunter administration apologize for antisemitism smear – breaking news | Breaking Latest News | https://www.breakinglatest.news/world/not-in-our-name-cuny-demands-that-hunter-administration-apologize-for-antisemitism-smear-breaking-news/ | 101.555 | antisemitic,anti-Zionist,anti-zionist,antisemitism | 17/03/2024 03:48 PM | ||
Israel considers use of private security contractors to protect Gaza aid ships: report | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/03/17/world-news/israel-considers-use-of-private-security-to-protect-gaza-aid-report/ | 53.498.432 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 03:41 PM |
Trump says Israel should quickly end the Gaza war, "we need peace" | Axios | https://www.axios.com/2024/03/17/trump-says-israel-should-quickly-end-the-gaza-war-we-need-peace | 14.666.477 | Israel,Biden | Virginia | Arlington | 17/03/2024 03:05 PM |
The Bitter Truth About Anti-Zionism | The Algemeiner Journal | https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/03/17/the-bitter-truth-about-anti-zionism/ | 215.019 | antisemitism,anti-Zionism,Antisemitism,Anti-Zionism,antisemitic | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 03:02 PM |
José Andrés says Israel should be ‘doing more’ to get aid to Gaza: ‘Nothing goes in without permission of Israel’ | The Hill | https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/4537887-jose-andres-says-israel-should-be-doing-more-to-get-aid-to-gaza-nothing-goes-in-without-permission-of-israel/ | 18.383.829 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 17/03/2024 02:58 PM |
The equal and opposite reaction to Chuck Schumer | Cleveland Jewish News | https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jns/the-equal-and-opposite-reaction-to-chuck-schumer/article_1c73716e-5692-5de1-a6c4-d296de9a0a00.html | 95.990 | anti-Israel | Ohio | Beachwood | 17/03/2024 02:56 PM |
Red Pins at the Oscars: Is the Call for a Ceasefire Antisemitic? | The Algemeiner Journal | https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/03/17/red-pins-at-the-oscars-is-the-call-for-a-ceasefire-antisemitic/ | 215.019 | Biden,Israel,antisemitism,antisemitic,Antisemitic | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 02:53 PM |
Schiff: Schumer criticism ‘should be an earthquake in Israel’ | The Hill | https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4537891-schiff-schumer-criticism-should-be-an-earthquake-in-israel/ | 18.383.829 | Israel,Congress,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 17/03/2024 02:52 PM |
Trump goes after Schumer for Netanyahu criticism: ‘Democrats are bad for Israel’ | The Hill | https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4537837-trump-goes-after-schumer-for-netanyahu-criticism-democrats-are-bad-for-israel/ | 18.383.829 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 17/03/2024 02:43 PM |
Since Oct. 7, Stars of David and Israeli flags have been flying off the shelves | The Forward | https://forward.com/news/592232/judaica-sales-oct-7-israel-star-david/ | 720.092 | antisemitic,antisemitism | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 02:35 PM |
Kirby dodges questions on whether Biden believes Netanyahu is impeding peace | The Hill | https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4537825-kirby-dodges-questions-on-whether-biden-believes-netanyahu-is-impeding-peace/ | 18.383.829 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 17/03/2024 02:27 PM |
Biden administration is ‘shifting’ its views on Israel’s war response: Rep. Ro Khanna | ABC News | https://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/video/biden-administration-shifting-views-israels-war-response-rep-108209466 | 28.663.633 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 01:28 PM |
McCaul calls Schumer’s criticism of Israel ‘very inappropriate’ and ’embarrassing’ | The Hill | https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4537725-mccaul-calls-schumers-criticism-of-israel-very-inappropriate-and-embarrassing/ | 18.383.829 | pro-Palestinian,anti-Israel | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 17/03/2024 01:09 PM |
Second aid ship expected to set sail for Gaza as Palestinians await distribution from first delivery | NBC News | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/second-aid-ship-expected-set-sail-gaza-palestinians-await-distribution-rcna143713 | 45.623.455 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 01:00 PM |
Biden admin reportedly delaying arms shipments to Israel | Columbus Jewish News (CJN) | https://www.columbusjewishnews.com/jns/biden-admin-reportedly-delaying-arms-shipments-to-israel/article_8dbcfd06-ec40-5e39-ab9c-ca38e23bdfa5.html | 7.006 | Biden,Israel | Ohio | Beachwood | 17/03/2024 12:51 PM |
The Point: Rep. Ritchie Torres on Schumer's rebuke of Netanyahu & Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado on ending "normalized" hate | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/the-point-ritchie-torres-antonio-delgado-chuck-schumer-netanyahu-tiktok-ban-antisemitism-islamaphobia/ | 44.417.564 | antisemitism,Israel,Congress,Biden | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 12:47 PM |
U.S. doesn't "agree with everything" Israel does, but elections up to them: Kirby | Axios | https://www.axios.com/2024/03/17/israel-election-netanyahu-john-kirby | 14.666.477 | Biden,Israel | Virginia | Arlington | 17/03/2024 12:32 PM |
JNF-USA Volunteers Help to Rebuild Southern Israel | San Diego Jewish World | https://www.sdjewishworld.com/2024/03/17/jnf-usa-volunteers-help-to-rebuild-southern-israel/ | 12.247 | antisemitism | California | San Diego | 17/03/2024 12:19 PM |
Palestinian officials blame Hamas for war with Israel, call out terror leaders' lavish lifestyle, ties to Iran | Fox News Channel | https://www.foxnews.com/world/palestinian-officials-blame-hamas-war-israel-call-terror-leaders-lavish-lifestyle-ties-iran | 45.830.717 | Antisemitism | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 12:14 PM |
IDF will enter Rafah, vows Netanyahu, slamming allies who ‘forgot massacre of Jews’ on Oct. 7th | World Israel News | https://worldisraelnews.com/idf-will-enter-rafah-vows-netanyahu-slamming-allies-who-forgot-massacre-of-jews-on-oct-7th/ | 276.498 | Biden,Israel | 17/03/2024 11:58 AM | ||
Pelosi praises Schumer’s speech on Israel, says ‘Israel’s reputation is at risk’ | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/17/politics/pelosi-schumer-netanyahu-israel-gaza-cnntv/index.html | 113.178.232 | Israel,Congress | Georgia | Atlanta | 17/03/2024 11:58 AM |
Netanyahu: Schumer opposes not just me, but the majority of Israelis | Cleveland Jewish News | https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jns/netanyahu-schumer-opposes-not-just-me-but-the-majority-of-israelis/article_5757e3f0-eb97-5e3b-a1cc-a7ddc5c94cab.html | 95.990 | Israel,Biden | Ohio | Beachwood | 17/03/2024 11:56 AM |
Lawsuit accuses Columbia of singling out 2 pro-Palestinian groups by suspending them after protest | NBC News New York | https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/lawsuit-accuses-columbia-of-singling-out-2-pro-palestinian-groups-by-suspending-them-after-protest/5218841/ | 1.973.777 | antisemitism,pro-Palestinian,antisemitic | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 11:44 AM |
Vice President Harris’ stepdaughter urged her social media followers to donate to U.N. agency accused of aiding Hamas | The Forward | https://forward.com/fast-forward/593600/ella-emhoff-harris-unrwa-gaza/ | 720.092 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 11:40 AM |
Israeli Officials Blast New Biden Admin Sanctions Over ‘Settler Violence’ | The Jewish Press | https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/settlements-israel/israeli-officials-blast-new-biden-admin-sanctions-over-settler-violence/2024/03/17/ | 144.568 | Israel,Biden,antisemitic | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 11:31 AM |
US military aid to Israel now ‘very slow’ amid row over Rafah invasion | AOL News | https://www.aol.com/us-military-aid-israel-now-145453662.html | 20.716.265 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 10:54 AM |
‘Totally inappropriate’: Netanyahu condemns Schumer for meddling | POLITICO | https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/17/totally-inappropriate-netanyahu-condemns-schumers-speech-00147461 | 18.146.165 | Israel,Biden,Congress | California | California City | 17/03/2024 10:42 AM |
Netanyahu to Schumer: ‘We’re not a banana republic.’ | The New York Times | https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/03/17/world/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news/netanyahu-schumer-rafah | 136.659.739 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 10:34 AM |
Opinion: What to make of Schumer’s scathing speech on Netanyahu | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/17/opinions/chuck-schumer-netanyahu-israel-us-relationship-miller/index.html | 113.178.232 | Congress,Israel,Biden,Pro-Palestinian | Georgia | Atlanta | 17/03/2024 10:30 AM |
Dossier reveals information used to explain UN agency's deep ties to Hamas in Gaza | Fox News Channel | https://www.foxnews.com/world/dossier-reveals-information-used-explain-un-agencys-deep-ties-hamas-gaza | 45.830.717 | antisemitic,Antisemitism | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 10:01 AM |
UPenn announces the return of lectures by antisemitic cartoonist | The Jewish Voice | https://thejewishvoice.com/2024/03/upenn-announces-the-return-of-lectures-by-antisemitic-cartoonist/ | 21.581 | antisemitic | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 09:28 AM |
Netanyahu Rails Against US Criticism and Says Israel Won't Stop Until 'Total Victory' Is Achieved | U.S. News & World Report | https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-03-17/netanyahu-rails-against-us-criticism-and-says-israel-wont-stop-until-total-victory-is-achieved | 33.006.502 | Israel,Biden,israel | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 17/03/2024 09:18 AM |
Schumer faces backlash from centrist Jewish orgs over Netanyahu remarks | The Jewish Voice | https://thejewishvoice.com/2024/03/schumer-faces-backlash-from-centrist-jewish-orgs-over-netanyahu-remarks/ | 21.581 | Israel,Congress | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 09:12 AM |
Anti-Israel Harvard Medical School students, faculty protest AMA president | The College Fix | https://www.thecollegefix.com/anti-israel-harvard-medical-school-students-faculty-protest-ama-president/ | 158.125 | anti-Israel,Anti-Israel | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 17/03/2024 08:59 AM |
House Democratic leader opts not to echo Schumer’s call for new Israeli elections | The Forward | https://forward.com/fast-forward/593558/hakeeem-jeffries-schumer-netanyahu-israel-gaza/ | 720.092 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 08:56 AM |
Florida man sets fire to rabbi's van outside Fort Lauderdale Jewish Center: police | Fox News Channel | https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-man-sets-fire-rabbis-van-outside-fort-lauderdale-jewish-center-police | 45.830.717 | Antisemitism | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 08:14 AM |
City could join call for ceasefire in Gaza, Israel | The Traverse City Record-Eagle | https://www.record-eagle.com/news/local_news/city-could-join-call-for-ceasefire-in-gaza-israel/article_86a439ea-e3a0-11ee-83fe-9bf176e1d81b.html | 69.201 | antisemitism | Michigan | Traverse City | 17/03/2024 07:45 AM |
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita calls out lawmakers in fight against antisemitism | City-County Observer | https://city-countyobserver.com/indiana-attorney-general-todd-rokita-calls-out-lawmakers-in-fight-against-antisemitism/ | 8.586 | antisemitism | Indiana | Evansville | 17/03/2024 07:37 AM |
Enough! Time to cut arms to Israel over Gaza | Moran | NJ.com | https://www.nj.com/opinion/2024/03/enough-time-to-cut-arms-to-israel-over-gaza-moran.html | 9.994.092 | Israel,Biden,Congress | New Jersey | Woodbridge | 17/03/2024 07:01 AM |
Israel Stuck in Holding Pattern in Gaza as Concern Over Casualties Grows | MSN.com | https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israel-stuck-in-holding-pattern-in-gaza-as-concern-over-casualties-grows/ar-BB1k2kqE | 132.453.294 | Israel,Biden | Washington | Redmond | 17/03/2024 06:19 AM |
Pro-Palestinian protests at three Hudson Valley McDonald’s | Mid-Hudson News | https://midhudsonnews.com/2024/03/17/pro-palestinian-protests-at-three-hudson-valley-mcdonalds/ | 180.967 | BDS,Pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 17/03/2024 04:54 AM |
US diplomat says Americans ‘equally’ support Israeli self-defense, Gazan rights, two-state solution | World Israel News | https://worldisraelnews.com/us-diplomat-says-americans-equally-support-israeli-self-defense-gazan-rights-two-state-solution/ | 276.498 | Biden,Israel | 17/03/2024 03:59 AM | ||
President of California State University, Long Beach condemns antisemitic flyers on campus | World Israel News | https://worldisraelnews.com/president-of-california-state-university-long-beach-condemns-antisemitic-flyers-on-campus/ | 276.498 | antisemitism,BDS,pro-Palestinian,anti-Zionist,antisemitic,Antisemitism,anti-Zionism | 17/03/2024 03:47 AM | ||
Headline | Source | URL | Reach | Keywords | State | City | Date |