Headline | Source | URL | Reach | Keywords | State | City | Date |
‘It’s unfortunate’: Jackson Co. Circuit Judge reacts to vandalism of campaign signs | WAFF-TV | https://www.waff.com/2024/06/07/its-unfortunate-jackson-co-circuit-judge-reacts-vandalism-campaign-signs/ | 500.297 | antisemitic | Alabama | Huntsville | 06/06/2024 11:29 PM |
George Clooney Called White House to Defend Amal Over Israel-ICC Fracas: Report | The Daily Beast | https://www.thedailybeast.com/george-clooney-called-white-house-to-defend-amal-over-israel-icc-fracas-report | 13.547.186 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 11:24 PM |
Trump compares misleading claim about migrant children with ‘Holocaust’ that murdered millions | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/06/trump-migrant-children-holocaust/ | 46.562.947 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 06/06/2024 11:22 PM |
5 arrested in downtown Minneapolis during protest of former Israeli prime minister | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/downtown-minneapolis-protest-israeli-prime-minister-naftali-bennett/ | 52.920.775 | pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 11:19 PM |
New Jersey yearbook controversy discussed at school board meeting | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/new-jersey-yearbook-controversy-discussed-at-school-board-meeting/ | 52.920.775 | antisemitism | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 11:14 PM |
Providence councilors propose divesting from Israel; mayor vows to veto | WPRI-TV | https://www.wpri.com/news/politics/providence-councilors-propose-divesting-from-israel-mayor-vows-to-veto/ | 889.860 | antisemitism,antisemitic | Rhode Island | East Providence | 06/06/2024 10:10 PM |
Rockford residents impacted by the conflict in Gaza speak out | WQRF-TV | https://www.mystateline.com/news/rockford-residents-impacted-by-the-conflict-in-gaza-speak-out/ | 430.154 | antisemitism | Illinois | Rockford | 06/06/2024 10:10 PM |
Palestinian murals in SF vandalized with Islamophobic graffiti | KRON-TV | https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/palestinian-murals-in-sf-vandalized-with-islamophobic-graffiti/ | 2.315.518 | Biden,Israel | California | San Francisco | 06/06/2024 09:58 PM |
DePaul adjunct professor fired for optional assignment on how 'genocide in Gaza' impacts health and biology | Chicago Sun-Times | https://chicago.suntimes.com/israel-hamas-war/2024/06/06/depaul-adjunct-professor-fired-optional-assignment-gaza-health | 4.036.158 | pro-Palestinian | Illinois | Chicago | 06/06/2024 09:30 PM |
US urges Israel to be transparent over Gaza school strike | BBC News via AOL News | https://www.aol.com/us-urges-israel-transparent-over-204719875.html | 23.836.544 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 09:28 PM |
Deadly Gaza strike raises US concerns about civilians, despite precision munitions | ABC News | https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/deadly-gaza-strike-raises-us-concerns-civilians-despite/story?id=110907616 | 29.851.143 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 09:27 PM |
Netanyahu reportedly set to address Congress on July 24 | Fox News Channel | https://www.foxnews.com/politics/netanyahu-reportedly-set-address-congress-july-24 | 52.020.212 | Israel,Congress,pro-Palestinian,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 09:26 PM |
Examining the state of Hamas on 3 fronts: troops, governance and narrative | NPR | https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1198912528 | 34.415.990 | Israel,Biden,BIDEN | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 06/06/2024 09:23 PM |
Campus protests haven't stopped as schools clear out for the summer | NBC News via AOL News | https://www.aol.com/campus-protests-havent-stopped-schools-011327589.html | 23.836.544 | Pro-Palestinian,Israel,pro-Palestinian,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 09:13 PM |
Fairfax peace proclamation prompts public debate | Marin Independent Journal | https://www.marinij.com/2024/06/06/fairfax-peace-proclamation-prompts-public-debate/ | 272.737 | antisemitism,antisemitic | California | San Rafael | 06/06/2024 09:12 PM |
Half Of Hamas Forces Are Dead; Terrorists Switch To Guerilla Welfare | Yeshiva World News | https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/israel-news/2288987/half-of-hamas-forces-are-dead-terrorists-switch-to-guerilla-welfare.html | 1.570.422 | Israel,Biden | New York | Brooklyn | 06/06/2024 09:02 PM |
Russia, China Wrangle With US Over UN Resolution on Gaza Ceasefire Plan | U.S. News & World Report | https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-06-06/russia-china-wrangle-with-us-over-un-resolution-on-gaza-ceasefire-plan | 33.216.481 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 06/06/2024 08:51 PM |
Columbia reaches settlement in class action suit alleging hostile environment for Jewish students, establishes additional security measures | Columbia Daily Spectator | https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/06/06/columbia-reaches-settlement-in-class-action-suit-alleging-hostile-environment-for-jewish-students-establishes-additional-security-measures/ | 541.736 | antisemitism,pro-Palestinian | New York | 06/06/2024 08:13 PM | |
US judge recuses himself from Gaza case after trip to Israel | Thomson Reuters - Westlaw Today | https://today.westlaw.com/Document/I3f952c70244c11efbaddeacd1ae67c97/View/FullText.html?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&firstPage=true | 30.569 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 08:01 PM |
Jewish students sue UCLA, saying protesters blocked access to campus facilities | Las Vegas Review-Journal | https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/nation-and-world/jewish-students-sue-ucla-saying-protesters-blocked-access-to-campus-facilities-3064019/ | 2.340.751 | Pro-Palestinian,antisemitism,pro-Palestinian | Nevada | Las Vegas | 06/06/2024 08:01 PM |
Gaetz Introduces Bill Imposing Moratorium on Palestinian Immigrants | The Floridian | https://floridianpress.com/2024/06/gaetz-introduces-bill-imposing-moratorium-on-palestinian-immigrants/ | 19.000 | Biden,Israel,Congress | Florida | Fort Lauderdale | 06/06/2024 07:45 PM |
The Media Line: Weighing Netanyahu’s Options | Salem Radio Network News | https://srnnews.com/the-media-line-weighing-netanyahus-options/ | 40.924 | Israel,Biden,Congress | Virginia | Arlington | 06/06/2024 07:41 PM |
Israel defends airstrike on a UN school in Gaza that left dozens dead, including children | NBC News | https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/israel-defends-airstrike-on-a-un-school-in-gaza-that-left-dozens-dead-including-children-212457541926 | 47.085.158 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 07:30 PM |
Pro-Palestine protesters arrested after interrupting Board of Regents meeting | The Daily Cardinal | https://www.dailycardinal.com/article/2024/06/pro-palestine-protesters-arrested-after-interrupting-board-of-regents-meeting | 59.871 | pro-Palestinian | Wisconsin | Madison | 06/06/2024 07:22 PM |
Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum celebrates "upstanders" of yesterday, keeping the promise" | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/dallas-holocaust-and-human-rights-museum-celebrates-upstanders-of-yesterday-keeping-the-promise/ | 52.920.775 | antisemitism | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 07:00 PM |
Church Hit with Graffiti in Brentwood | Contra Costa News | https://contracosta.news/2024/06/06/church-hit-with-graffiti-in-brentwood/ | 89.489 | Anti-Israel | California | Antioch | 06/06/2024 07:00 PM |
As Hezbollah escalates attacks at Iran’s behest, Israel must stop an ‘unsustainable’ assault | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/06/06/opinion/as-hezbollah-escalates-attacks-israel-must-fight-back/ | 62.478.497 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 06:39 PM |
What Israel's reported covert influence operation inside the U.S. says about it | MSNBC | https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/israel-influence-us-lawmakers-online-campaign-rcna155834 | 8.804.499 | Israel,Biden,pro-Palestinian,antisemitism | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 06:31 PM |
Chicago police, pro-Palestinian group seek compromise on planned DNC protest locations | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/chicago-palestinian-protests-dnc-plan/ | 52.920.775 | pro-Palestinian,Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 06:18 PM |
As Ivy League prioritizes ‘activism at expense of academics,’ other schools rise to top for employers | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/06/06/us-news/as-ivy-league-prioritizes-activism-other-schools-start-to-shine/ | 62.478.497 | antisemitism | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 06:07 PM |
Some Jewish groups protest Biden’s executive order on immigration, but others are staying silent | Cleveland Jewish News | https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jta/some-jewish-groups-protest-biden-s-executive-order-on-immigration-but-others-are-staying-silent/article_16a1a91f-69c8-5101-a3ff-f94ac349c9b4.html | 90.573 | Biden,antisemitism,Congress,Israel | Ohio | Beachwood | 06/06/2024 06:05 PM |
Health sciences adjunct fired over optional Gaza assignment defends academic freedom | The DePaulia | https://depauliaonline.com/71036/news/health-sciences-adjunct-fired-over-optional-gaza-assignment-defends-academic-freedom/ | 19.339 | antisemitism | Illinois | Chicago | 06/06/2024 06:04 PM |
N.A.A.C.P. Calls on Biden to Halt Arms Deliveries to Israel | The New York Times | https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/us/politics/naacp-biden-arms-deliveries-israel.html | 149.653.296 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 05:59 PM |
Colleges withhold students’ degrees over pro-Palestinian protests | WATE-TV | https://www.wate.com/news/national/colleges-withhold-students-degrees-over-pro-palestinian-protests/ | 1.235.117 | pro-Palestinian | Tennessee | Knoxville | 06/06/2024 05:57 PM |
House Passes Bill That Sanctions Those Who Help ICC Pursue Israeli Officials | Jewish Link | https://jewishlink.news/house-passes-bill-that-sanctions-those-who-help-icc-pursue-israeli-officials/ | 125.806 | Israel,Congress | New Jersey | 06/06/2024 05:54 PM | |
Jewish Link Voices for Israel Creative Chant and Slogan Challenge | Jewish Link | https://jewishlink.news/jewish-link-voices-for-israel-creative-chant-and-slogan-challenge/ | 125.806 | anti-Israel,pro-Palestinian | New Jersey | 06/06/2024 05:53 PM | |
Hollywood Publicist Fuels Controversy by Telling Staffers to Refrain From Working With Anyone ‘Posting Against Israel’ | Variety | https://variety.com/2024/film/news/hollywood-publicist-ashlee-margolis-a-list-israel-hamas-war-1236027639/ | 35.148.728 | Jew Hatred,antisemitism,Anti-Israel | California | Los Angeles | 06/06/2024 05:47 PM |
Urge Elected Officials To Support Israel | Jewish Link | https://jewishlink.news/urge-elected-officials-to-support-israel/ | 125.806 | Biden,Israel,anti-Israel | New Jersey | 06/06/2024 05:44 PM | |
Egypt’s Policy of Dualism: Cooperating With Israel While Spreading Anti-Israel Messages | Jewish Link | https://jewishlink.news/egypts-policy-of-dualism-cooperating-with-israel-while-spreading-anti-israel-messages/ | 125.806 | Anti-Israel,anti-Israel,antisemitism,anti-Zionist,antisemitic | New Jersey | 06/06/2024 05:43 PM | |
Donna Deegan condemns Nazi flag flying in Jacksonville | Florida Politics | https://floridapolitics.com/archives/678409-donna-deegan-condemns-nazi-flag-flying-in-jacksonville/ | 277.623 | antisemitism,Antisemitism | Florida | St. Petersburg | 06/06/2024 05:40 PM |
Arrest Made of Antisemite Filmed at ShopRite of Englewood | Jewish Link | https://jewishlink.news/arrest-made-of-antisemite-filmed-at-shoprite-of-englewood/ | 125.806 | antisemitic,antisemitism | New Jersey | 06/06/2024 05:37 PM | |
Israeli Strike Kills Dozens at Civilian Shelter in Gaza | The New York Times | https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-school-killing.html | 149.653.296 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 05:35 PM |
Local Jewish woman finds purpose as antisemitism rises | WBAA-FM | https://www.wbaa.org/local-news/2024-06-06/local-jewish-woman-finds-purpose-as-antisemitism-rises | 4.361 | antisemitic,antisemitism | Indiana | West Lafayette | 06/06/2024 05:33 PM |
No disinfectants to antisemitism | Columbus Jewish News (CJN) | https://www.columbusjewishnews.com/jns/no-disinfectants-to-antisemitism/article_f0064941-d938-50a3-b760-98fb40f213c9.html | 9.020 | antisemitic,Israel,Antisemitic,Congress,antisemitism | Ohio | Beachwood | 06/06/2024 05:31 PM |
Student groups at Baruch College stage protest against Hillel, adding to growing trend | Cleveland Jewish News | https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jta/student-groups-at-baruch-college-stage-protest-against-hillel-adding-to-growing-trend/article_f58d679b-3f6b-5458-b527-8b130cc1ed43.html | 90.573 | Pro-Palestinian,pro-Palestinian | Ohio | Beachwood | 06/06/2024 05:25 PM |
Activist groups demand 'no pride in genocide' ahead of Boston Pride parade | WGBH-FM | https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2024-06-06/activist-groups-demand-no-pride-in-genocide-ahead-of-boston-pride-parade | 611.642 | pro-Palestinian | Massachusetts | Boston | 06/06/2024 05:25 PM |
Federations Host Briefing on Antisemitism at Rutgers | Jewish Link | https://jewishlink.news/federations-host-briefing-on-antisemitism-at-rutgers/ | 125.806 | Israel,antisemitic,anti-Israel,Congress,antisemitism,Antisemitism,pro-Palestinian | New Jersey | 06/06/2024 05:24 PM | |
Seniors arrested in Dartmouth College protest will be allowed to walk during commencement | NBC5 | https://www.mynbc5.com/article/dartmouth-college-protest-commencement/61020445 | 367.898 | pro-Palestinian | New York | Plattsburgh | 06/06/2024 05:24 PM |
Fired Worker Accuses Meta of Anti-Palestinian Discrimination: Lawsuit | The Daily Beast | https://www.thedailybeast.com/fired-worker-accuses-meta-of-anti-palestinian-discrimination-lawsuit | 13.547.186 | pro- Palestinian | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 05:21 PM |
The photo op that didn’t happen | POLITICO | https://www.politico.com/newsletters/west-wing-playbook/2024/06/06/the-photo-op-that-didnt-happen-00162168 | 18.788.678 | Biden,BIDEN,Antisemitism,Israel,antisemitism,Congress | California | California City | 06/06/2024 05:21 PM |
Capitol Hill Celebrates Jewish American Heritage Month | Jewish Link | https://jewishlink.news/capitol-hill-celebrates-jewish-american-heritage-month/ | 125.806 | Congress,Israel,antisemitism,Biden | New Jersey | 06/06/2024 05:18 PM | |
Why Netanyahu is facing an ultimatum | The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/podcasts/post-reports/why-netanyahu-is-facing-an-ultimatum/ | 46.562.947 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 06/06/2024 05:08 PM |
Providence councilors propose Israel divestment, prompting condemnation from some Jewish groups | The Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/06/06/metro/rhode-island-providence-israeli-bonds/ | 4.059.566 | anti-Zionist,antisemitic,antisemitism | Massachusetts | Boston | 06/06/2024 05:03 PM |
Florida tire shop flies Nazi flag to protest ‘modern-day holocaust’ in Gaza — and owner insists it isn’t antisemitic | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/06/06/us-news/florida-tire-shop-flies-nazi-flag-to-protest-gaza-holocaust/ | 62.478.497 | antisemitism,antisemitic | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 05:03 PM |
Blue City Teachers Union Pushes Kindergarten Curriculum That Demonizes ‘Zionist Bullies’ | The Daily Caller | https://dailycaller.com/2024/06/06/blue-city-teachers-union-pushes-kindergarten-curriculum-that-demonizes-zionist-bullies/ | 1.825.380 | Biden,Israel,pro-Palestinian | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 06/06/2024 05:02 PM |
Pro-Palestine ‘uncommitted’ slate snags one DNC delegate spot | New Jersey Globe | https://newjerseyglobe.com/presidential-election/pro-palestine-uncommitted-slate-snags-one-dnc-delegate-spot/ | 133.261 | Biden,Israel | New Jersey | Trenton | 06/06/2024 04:47 PM |
FBI Director: Terror Threat To US, Allies At “Whole Other Level” Since Oct. 7 | Yeshiva World News | https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/general/2288979/fbi-director-terror-threat-to-us-allies-at-whole-other-level-since-oct-7.html | 1.570.422 | antisemitic | New York | Brooklyn | 06/06/2024 04:45 PM |
Biden’s Gaza Pier Runs Up $22 Million In Repair Costs After Storm Washed It Away | The Daily Caller | https://dailycaller.com/2024/06/06/bidens-gaza-pier-22-million-repair-costs-storm-washed-it-away/ | 1.825.380 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 06/06/2024 04:29 PM |
Hamas has not responded to latest ceasefire proposal, Qatar foreign ministry says | Reuters via Yahoo! News | https://www.yahoo.com/news/hamas-not-responded-latest-ceasefire-202550775.html | 25.258.338 | Israel,Biden | California | Sunnyvale | 06/06/2024 04:25 PM |
Red Line Crossed. Stand with Teaneck Peace & Justice Vigil to demand:NO US WEAPONS for Israel's war! | Patch.com | https://patch.com/new-jersey/englewood/calendar/event/20240612/385c68b3-cb48-428e-b51b-5d346af35b55/red-line-crossed-stand-with-teaneck-peace-justice-vigil-to-demand-no-us-weapons-for-israels-war | 12.051.742 | Biden,Israel | 06/06/2024 04:24 PM | ||
Stanford University Bars Anti-Zionist Rioters From Graduation | The Algemeiner Journal | https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/06/06/stanford-university-bars-anti-zionist-rioters-graduation/ | 271.760 | pro-Palestinian,anti-Zionist,antisemitic,anti-Israel,BDS,Anti-Zionist | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 04:18 PM |
CAIR sues Gov. Abbott to 'defend free speech' of pro-Hamas Texas campus activists | Campus Reform | https://www.campusreform.org/article/cair-sues-gov-abbott-defend-free-speech-pro-hamas-texas-campus-activists/25594 | 114.454 | antisemitism,anti-Israel,antisemitic | Virginia | Arlington | 06/06/2024 04:11 PM |
University of Pennsylvania issues new protest rules, bans encampments on campus | The Hill | https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4708522-penn-issues-new-protest-encampment-rules/ | 18.837.864 | pro-Palestinian | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 06/06/2024 04:06 PM |
Hamas Says Ceasefire Deal They Received Is Nothing Like Biden Described | Newsweek | https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-says-ceasefire-deal-they-received-nothing-like-biden-described-1909239 | 49.047.751 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 03:53 PM |
It Turns Out Hamas Won’t Just Commit Suicide | National Review | https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/it-turns-out-hamas-wont-just-commit-suicide/ | 2.254.271 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 03:52 PM |
US Hostages' Kin in Gaza Plead With Americans: Don't Forget Fellow Citizens | Newsmax | https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/hostages-gaza-hamas/2024/06/06/id/1167758/ | 4.448.186 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 06/06/2024 03:41 PM |
University Of California Grad Student Strike Hits 6 Campuses | HuffPost | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/university-of-california-grad-student-strike_n_6661ff1ae4b091105f3a05dc | 18.010.930 | pro-Palestinian | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 03:40 PM |
Students, academic staff to intervene in U of T encampment hearing | The MarCom Journal | https://www.themarcomjournal.com/article/717895487-students-academic-staff-to-intervene-in-u-of-t-encampment-hearing | 234 | pro-Palestinian | 06/06/2024 03:34 PM | ||
Light in the Midst of the Darkness | Jewish Link | https://jewishlink.news/light-in-the-midst-of-the-darkness/ | 125.806 | Israel,antisemitism,Biden | New Jersey | 06/06/2024 03:29 PM | |
Portland teachers’ union links to lessons urging students to pray to Allah, write Biden to stop funding Israel | Oregon Live | https://www.oregonlive.com/education/2024/06/portland-teachers-union-links-to-lessons-urging-students-to-pray-to-allah-write-biden-to-stop-funding-israel.html | 5.177.693 | Israel,Biden,pro-Palestinian,antisemitism,anti-Israel,anti-Zionist | Oregon | Portland | 06/06/2024 03:28 PM |
Reneé Rapp Says Calling for Gaza Ceasefire Was a "No-Brainer" | Teen Vogue | https://www.teenvogue.com/story/renee-rapp-says-calling-for-gaza-ceasefire-was-a-no-brainer | 4.488.820 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 03:24 PM |
Sen. Joni Ernst sends message to anti-Israel Democrats: Hamas is the ‘cause’ of this humanitarian crisis | Fox News Channel | https://www.foxnews.com/video/6354452968112 | 52.020.212 | anti-Israel | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 03:23 PM |
Who will run Gaza after the war? Israel? Hamas? The UN? | The Mercury News | https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/06/06/who-will-run-gaza-after-the-war-israel-hamas-the-un/ | 4.092.473 | Israel,Biden | California | San Jose | 06/06/2024 02:32 PM |
International Community To Hamas: Agree To Gaza Hostage Deal, Ceasefire Proposal | Baltimore Jewish Life | https://baltimorejewishlife.com/news/news-detail.php?SECTION_ID=1&ARTICLE_ID=172910 | 92.110 | Israel,Biden | 06/06/2024 02:26 PM | ||
Defense Secretary Austin says protecting civilians in Gaza is a 'strategic imperative' | NBC News via MSN.com | https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/defense-secretary-austin-says-protecting-civilians-in-gaza-is-a-strategic-imperative/ar-BB1nKZCt | 150.745.675 | Israel,Biden | Washington | Redmond | 06/06/2024 02:14 PM |
US on diplomatic offensive to sway Hamas on deal | Breitbart News Network | https://www.breitbart.com/news/us-on-diplomatic-offensive-to-sway-hamas-on-deal/ | 3.072.908 | Biden,Israel | California | Los Angeles | 06/06/2024 01:49 PM |
Hamas signals it will likely reject US-backed cease-fire plan | New York Post | https://nypost.com/2024/06/06/world-news/hamas-signals-it-will-likely-reject-us-backed-cease-fire/ | 62.478.497 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 01:47 PM |
Biden’s Bet on an Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Explained | Bloomberg | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2024-06-06/biden-s-bet-on-an-israel-hamas-cease-fire-explained-podcast | 24.968.010 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 01:41 PM |
Will Israel threaten to drop the bomb? | The Hill | https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4707916-will-israel-threaten-to-drop-the-bomb/ | 18.837.864 | Israel,Biden | Washington, D.C. | Washington, D.C. | 06/06/2024 01:30 PM |
Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupt UW Board of Regents meeting, leading to 7 arrests | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/education/2024/06/06/pro-palestinian-protesters-arrested-for-disrupting-uw-regents-meeting/73999300007/ | 3.705.008 | Pro-Palestinian | Wisconsin | Milwaukee | 06/06/2024 01:15 PM |
Hamas Leader Sinwar Holds Firm on Demands for Gaza Cease-Fire With Israel | The Wall Street Journal via MSN.com | https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/hamas-leader-sinwar-holds-firm-on-demands-for-gaza-cease-fire-with-israel/ar-BB1nIXeL | 150.745.675 | Israel,Biden | Washington | Redmond | 06/06/2024 01:13 PM |
US imposes sanctions on Palestinian group Lions' Den over West Bank violence | Reuters | https://www.reuters.com/world/us-imposes-sanctions-palestinian-group-lions-den-over-west-bank-violence-2024-06-06/ | 40.014.680 | Biden,Israel | Maryland | Rockville | 06/06/2024 12:42 PM |
Families of US hostages in Gaza plead with Americans: Don't forget your fellow citizens | Associated Press | https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-october-7-hostages-war-gaza-408f1d2b48539b6ed408e21c8cc65526 | 49.933.370 | Israel,Biden | Washington | Spokane | 06/06/2024 12:35 PM |
Hezbollah 'Ready' to Fight Israel in Lebanon Amid New War Threats | Newsweek | https://www.newsweek.com/hezbollah-ready-fight-israel-lebanon-amid-new-war-threats-1909125 | 49.047.751 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 12:27 PM |
Radiohead Guitarist Says He Won’t Stop Collaborating, Touring With Israeli Musicians Despite BDS Backlash | The Algemeiner Journal | https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/06/06/radiohead-guitarist-says-wont-stop-collaborating-touring-israeli-musicians-despite-bds-backlash/ | 151.284 | BDS | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 12:26 PM |
Israeli troops uncover Hamas tunnel entrance inside child's room in Rafah | Fox News Channel | https://www.foxnews.com/world/israeli-troops-uncover-hamas-tunnel-entrance-childs-room-rafah | 52.020.212 | Antisemitism | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 12:22 PM |
Hamas Says Biden Gaza Ceasefire Plan 'Just Words' | Barron's | https://www.barrons.com/news/hamas-says-biden-gaza-ceasefire-plan-just-words-1b1044db | 5.535.979 | Biden,Israel | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 12:20 PM |
Where things stand on an Israel-Hamas cease-fire deal as Hamas responds to latest proposal | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hamas-israel-gaza-ceasefire-deal-biden/ | 52.920.775 | Israel,Biden | New York | New York City | 06/06/2024 11:42 AM |
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